Returns and exchanges

You don't like an item or you want to change the size? Don't worry, you have 7 days, from delivery, to make a return. To manage the return, fill out our return form.
In case you want to make a return because the item has a defect, we will take care of the shipping costs that you have to bear, offering you a discount voucher for that amount in our store.
In case you want to make a return for a size change or simply because you have changed your mind, the shipping costs will be at your expense.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: All returned items must be in perfect condition, have not been wear, and keep their original packaging and labels intact. If we receive an item that is not in the conditions described, the following penalties will apply:
Tag removed or damaged: 10% of the item value.
Missing or damaged brand bag or packaging: 10% of the item value.
Item damaged or with signs of wear: 90% of the item value.
We also reserve the right not to accept returns that do not comply with our policy.